Sheridan College offers testing opportunities and proctor a wide range of tests for many different testing areas. Please contact our office today for more information.
Sheridan College
Location: GMB 010
307-675-0220 (Kooi Library)
307-675-0228 (Testing Center)
Tests Offered
The ACT is an achievement exam that measures what a student learned in high school, and it is commonly used in placement of college courses. The ACT measures five academic areas: English, mathematics, reading, science, and an optional writing test. Sheridan College is a nationally certified testing site for the ACT, offering many testing dates throughout the year.
Please visit the ACT website at for more information and to register for a test date.
The Accuplacer exam is a placement exam that assesses the student’s ability in math and reading. It is not a pass/fail exam, nor is it timed. All first-time students are required to show their placement levels in math and/or English by taking the Accuplacer exam, or by providing sufficient ACT scores. Student transferring in math and English college-level credits may not have to take the placement exam. If you are a transferring student, you must show proof of a completed math and/or English class on an official college transcript.
High school students who have taken the ACT, and scored at least an 18 in English, will not need placement testing. Those who score 21 in the ACT math may be eligible to take Level 3 math classes. An ACT score of 23 is required to start at Level 4 math.
Important Accuplacer Information
- Scores are good for three years, and students may send scores from another institution if they have them.
- Scores that are sent in for English placement must be Reading Comprehension. Sentence Skills is not accepted.
- Students are allowed to test three times per registration period: three attempts each of math and reading comprehension
- Accuplacer exams cost $10.00 each
Remote Testing
Remote testing is an option for those who are testing at other locations. To schedule a remote test, please contact Advising Services at 307-675-0100 or via email at
In addition to Pearson Vue’s GED program, the Wyoming High School Equivalency Certificate program office has approved the HiSET (High school Equivalency Test) as and additional option for individuals to complete their high school equivalency certification.
Individual’s ages 16-17 years old must fill out an age-waiver application and go through the Center for College and Career Readiness. Otherwise, all individuals must be 18 years old to take one of the assessments.
Visit the Center for College and Career Readiness website for more information.
Visit the Wyoming Community College Commission Website for more information about high school equivalency in Wyoming, or to order a transcript, visit
Current Testing Options
GED: computer-based only
- $120
- Register & pay online
- Testing occurs according to the schedule that Sheridan/Gillette Colleges provide to Pearson Vue.
- To register & pay online, and for more information, visit
HiSET: computer-based & paper-based
- $70
- $20 of total test fee paid to Sheridan or Gillette College
- $50 of total test fee paid to HiSET at time of registration
- Register and pay online
- More information about the HiSET can be found online at
- Information, study guides, research about HiSET, and other materials can be found in the HiSET Download Library.