Center for College and Career Readiness
Sheridan College’s Center for College and Career Readiness, formally known as the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program, will help prepare eligible adults for new career paths, getting into college and completing high school equivalency. The Center aids adults in gaining necessary skills in reading, high school equivalency test prep, and skill development for college and career, as well as work readiness promotion through resumes, cover letters, and job searches.
“Start Smart Course” aids in Center’s effectiveness
The Smart Start Course screens for key breakdowns in learning that result from challenges in vision and hearing, visual stress, attention, and information processing. These screenings are designed to uncover how a person can most effectively learn and manage workplace situations by providing tools for identifying the underlying barriers to education and employment success. Program enrollees will receive strategies and resources to use to help them learn better and to use at work to share with their employers or instructors at college or vocational school when they pursue this academic path. Participants will also create a profile on “Wyoming at Work” to discover their career interests and work values and develop skills towards successful career employment.
Sheridan College Contact
Billie Rae Charles
High School Equivalency