Welcome to Sheridan College!
We are excited to have you on campus and want to make this day memorable as you move-in to your housing.
Move-in Schedule & Instructions
Move-in day is Friday, August 23, 2024 between 9:00am – 2:00pm. Sign up for a move-in time on the HOUSING INFO PAGE. Be sure to check your sheridan.edu email frequently for updates. Forgot your password? No worries, find it here.
Haven’t applied yet for housing? The Housing Info Page is the place to find all the forms and information to get you started and on the way!
You’ll need to complete the following items prior to receiving keys:
- Pay Housing Deposit and Admin fee – Call 307-675-0336 for information
- Immunization Records on file (email to: SCReslife@sheridan.edu or fax to: 307-675-0680)
- Complete the Medical Release form on the Housing Information Page
- Sexual Assault Prevention Course (sent to you via: sheridan.edu email)
- Complete Sheridan College Housing Health and Safety Course
- If you plan on having a vehicle on campus, please complete the vehicle registration form on the Housing Information Page.
- Arrive at Sheridan College via main entrance
- Turn left on Dome Loop.
- Take a left into Parking Lot E by the Dome.
- Please wait in your vehicle and a student leader will meet you at your vehicle
Note: a government issued ID will need to be present to verify your identity, so be sure you have either a driver’s license or an ID card available.
Welcome Back BBQ
On August 23 from 11:00am to 2:00pm there will be a BBQ for students, family and friends. Please attend the free BBQ on Whitney Mall.
Welcome Back Events
Lake Day Saturday, August 24 from 11:00am to 4:00pm at at Lake DeSmet. Meet at the Innominate House at 1:30pm. Space is limited. Please contact the Recreation Coordinator.
Slip-N-Slide kickball is Sunday, August 25 starting at 4:00pm. Join us at the soccer fields next to the Golden Dome.
Meal Plans
Meal plans begin with brunch on Saturday, August 24 at 11:00am.
Campus Life & Housing Office
Email: screslife@sheridan.edu
Phone: 307-675-0510
Campus Recreation Coordinator
Cole Garafola
email: cgarafola@sheridan.edu
phone: 307-675-0515