Rebecca Atkinson – Sheridan College | NWCCD

Rebecca Atkinson

Rebecca Atkinson photo

Rebecca Atkinson

Instructor, Agriculture

Ph.D University of Wyoming in Animal/Vet Sciences

M.S. University of Wyoming in Animal and Vet Sciences

B.S. Black Hills State University in Chemistry and Biology

Dr. Rebecca Atkinson teaches animal science courses at Sheridan College. She is passionate about teaching all aspects of livestock production, from best management practices and proper nutrition to more complex aspects, like pathology and disease. Rebecca is working on building a research program in animal science to encourage students to become involved in research and to aid in being competitive applicants for veterinary school. She was raised on a ranch in Wyoming prior to moving to Illinois to teach, conduct research, and supervise a bull testing station at Southern Illinois University, so Rebecca brings a tremendous amount of practical knowledge into the classroom. She shares differences in production practices, what works, what does not work, and why. Moreover, she believes hands-on learning is critical to student learning and challenges students to think outside the box to enhance their critical thinking skills.

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Sheridan College is a comprehensive community college located at the base of the beautiful Bighorn Mountains. Sheridan College serves Sheridan and Johnson Counties in northern Wyoming.

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Sheridan College

1 Whitney Way
Sheridan, WY 82801
Phone: 307-675-0505
Phone: 888-675-0505


Sheridan College in Johnson County

Bomber Mountain Civic Center
63 N. Burkitt Ave.
Buffalo, WY 82834
Phone: 307-684-2001